Inch Loss Treatment / Non-Surgical Fat Removal

Cathie’s Story.

Cathie will tell you about her experience with our combined Inch Loss Treatment and Personal Trainer plan in this post.

We’re also going to look at the treatments involved, and the training methods used. If you are interested in more than just looking better but want to feel better as well. Then this post is a must for you.

So, Cathie, tell us how you came to considering an Inch Loss Treatment plan?

I have tried diets in the past but struggled to lose stomach fat, I was disheartened with diet and didn’t feel good about myself. Motivation to diet and gym was starting to wane.

I choose Permanent Perfection as I have built a relationship with Rebecca, she is very professional, friendly and Instils trust. I have recommended friends and family to other services offered at Permanent Perfection Aesthetics.

What’s your opinion of the results Cathie?

The physical effects were dramatic throughout the treatment, but the main benefit was the improved self-confidence and the kick on for the gym and lifestyle. The added bonus of not just the treatment but the additional personal training sitting alongside, pushing me to better training and really inspiring me to get healthy.

How was the Personal Training plan for you Cathie?

The additional Personal Trainer option was a great compliment to the treatments.

Permanent Perfection Aesthetics is not just about the treatments but is an entirely holistic approach to help you get the best out of what they offer, and I cannot recommend it highly enough. Tom and Rebecca made it a positive experience.

What treatments methods were used ?

Body Treatments

The treatments used were a combination of , Radio Frequency Fat Melting and Shockwave for this client. Each treatment method plays its own role in creating great results for Cathie.

3D Cavitation

At Permanent Perfection Aesthetics, we take the clients individual needs into account – Our approach is based on the treatments necessary to provide the desired results. Not what can be squeezed into an hour’s session.

If the treatment takes  an hour and a half, that is no problem for us. We want the best for our clients.

What training methods were used for the Personal Trainer plan?

Personal Trainer Mawdesley

We looked at multiple aspects of a Training & Nutrition plan.

Assessment Methods

Starting with a comprehensive movement assessment to assess any kinetic chain problems that would hamper progress.  We then carried out some benchmark fitness tests to have a start point for our improvements.

From there, we looked at how Cathie was performing exercises to ensure proper technique and prevent injury. We also looked at a week’s food intake to then compile and nutrition plan aligned to Cathie’s macronutrient requirements.

With all this information in place, we could create a program that Cathie could stick to and enjoy. We provided Cathie with access to an app containing an exercise library, so when she was training alone, she could follow the exercise demonstrations if needed.

Training Sessions

In our 121 sessions, we introduced Cathie to different training methods and equipment to build up her knowledge and set herself up for future success. It was great to see how Cathie improved throughout the programme. Her strength and fitness increased, her form and technique also came on leaps and bounds.

We focused on compound movements and HIIT. We wanted to ensure that Cathie was maximizing her fat loss by using as many muscles as possible, burning as many calories a possible whilst maximizing her fitness. Due to the training methods used, Cathie was also burning calories after the sessions had ended.

Outcome for Cathie

The most impressive improvement was her self-confidence and how the 121 seasons improve her ability to train independently in the gym.

This improvement to her gym sessions is a longstanding sustainable improvement that will serve her well for many years to come.

To find out more about how the Body Treatments work head over to 3d-Cavitation and 3d-Radio Frequency Fat Melting


For all inch loss courses bought in August 2021, clients will receive a FREE Fat Freezing Treatment for 2 areas.

Book today and secure your total Non-Surgical Fat Removal package before spaces run out.

Thanks for reading this post. See you soon.


Permanent Perfection Aesthetics